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Tuesday, October 06, 2009


An adage in one of the languages in Nigeria says:“when the sun is hot and the flies are thick, use the horse’s sense”.

That maxim describes the way in which horses pair, side by side, headto tail when the flies become too much for the tail of either horse tohandle. By pairing, they help each other by warding off flies from theface of one another.

The people that surround you determine the things you can survive.We all need the right associations.

We are called to compliment and lift each other up. Not to bring eachother down via competition against one another.

The quality of a man’s destiny can be predicted by the quality of the associations he keeps.

The person we look down on today might just be the solution toour most pressing need.

It behooves us to find, keep and service our relationships.

We need to input a conscious effort to maintaining a close contact with those people we see are significant to our life in as many facets as there are.

You need to examine your circle of friends if indeed they are God’s right circle for you.

Bless you all!

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