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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Life Is Like A Doughnut...

Your life is like a doughnut. It's like that circle of glazed dough with a hole in the middle.

That hole in the middle represents everything you didn't get, everything that hurt you and broke you, everything you loved and lost, your given-up hopes and dreams, the dark nights that had driven you to despair and tears.

Everyone has that hole in their lives.

Most people spend most of their lives looking at that hole...looking through it, looking around it, looking to fill it up, looking to hide it...and missing the dough.

The dough? The dough is all the good things you did get, the love of friends and family that you do have, the joys you did experienced, and the sense of pride that came from the achievements you did manage to accomplish.

If you notice, the dough is bigger than the hole. The dough surrounds the hole. In fact, the dough creates the hole.

You see, it all goes together.

No dough, no hole. No hole, no doughnut. No doughnut, no life.

Not one without the other. It all goes together. And that's the way life is - no good without bad, no bad without good. It's sometimes good and then it's sometimes bad. But at the end of it, it was just a doughnut, and hopefully, it was good enough to eat.

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