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Friday, February 13, 2009

Always Think Positive In Life

Read this.

It is a 100% challenge that you will have a wrong answer to the question asked in the passage.

Once there was loving couple travelling in a bus in a mountainous area.

They decided to get down at some place.

After the couple got down at some place the bus moved on.

As the bus moved on, a huge rock fell on the bus from the mountain and crushed the bus to crumbs.

Everybody on board was killed.

The couple upon seeing that said, "We wished we were on that bus."

Why do you think they said that?

If they had remained on the bus instead of deciding to get down, the
resulting time delay could have been avoided and the rock would have
fallen after the bus had passed.

Always think positive in life and look for opportunities when you can help others.

Many times in life, the opposite of success is not failure, it is quitting.

Winners never quit, quitters never win.

Never expect things to happen.
Struggle and make them happen.

Never expect yourself to be given a good value.
Create a value of your own.

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